The Learning for Life Proud to be part of The Learning for Life

Year 2L

Welcome to Year 2!

Summer Term

We are really excited to be welcoming back the children after Easter, it's been really nice to hear how much they have enjoyed it and that they have returned safely. The term will be be filled with fun and great learning and we are really looking forward to seeing how the children flourish whilst being Kind, Safe and Ready!

We will start the term looking at our new class book, Fantastic Mr Fox. We will be learning about animals and how mischievous they can be! In maths we begin by looking at fractions and time so if you have the chance at home, please give your child the opportunity to practise telling the time.

It's really important, and helps us in maths lessons, if the children develop quick recall of their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. This not only prepares them for their multiplication check in Year 4, but will help us progress through maths lessons as a good pace and improve the children's confidence in lessons. 

If you want to support your child with their writing, please take a look at the Quick Writes document at the bottom of this page. It has 5 ideas you can do weekly to support their writing and also lists what they should be able to do at this point in the year.


Other Class Information


The adults that work in year 2 with the children are, Miss Foulkes, Mr Lawrie, Mrs Burrows, Mrs Wain, Miss Hughes and Mrs Doorbar.

Water Bottles

Your child has been given a school new school water bottle. Please can you wash and refill (water only) this ready for each new day.


Our PE days are a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please send your child to school in full PE kit (house colour shirt and shorts with trainers)

Homework & book bags 

Reading books will be sent home on a Monday or a Tuesday and are to be returned on a Friday. Please bring books back in a bookbag to keep them safe. Bookbags will remain in school until Monday when new books are sent out.



We have also signed up for Century. Century is software that had been proven to help children with their learning and all children in Year 2 should have a log in. We have asked the children in Year 2 to log in and complete one nugget (learning focus) each week. This can take as little as 5 minutes. If you have any problems with logging in please just let a member of the Y2 team know.


Here are some useful websites/resources to help your child with their phonics: - access to phonics games - Good digital flashcards -m Phase 3 sounds - Phase 5 sounds

Please come and speak to us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your continued support.




Please ensure your child brings a coat to school each day. We had a rainy start to the term but we are trying as much as possible to allow the children their outdoor breaks which may mean us putting coats on to go out in the rain as much as possible without getting too wet. Please ensure all coats are clearly named.

Water Bottles

All children have been given a school water bottle. This needs to be brought to school each day having been washed and re filled with fresh water from home. Children will be reminded at the end of the day to bring home their lunch bag and water bottle to be washed ready for the next day. We have turned off our water filter system so children will not be able to fill up their water bottle in the usual way. All classes have access to drinking water throughout the day should the children require extra water.


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. On these days we ask that your child comes to school in their PE clothes rather than their school uniform.

Weather dependant they can wear their shorts and school coloured PE T- shirt and school jumper. If the weather is cold, then track suit bottoms/leggings would be more suitable. Trainers are preferable to pumps as it is possible the children may be outdoors for some lessons.

























Page Downloads Date  
Quick Writes Y2 18th Jan 2024 Download
Y2 Long Term Plan 19th Jan 2024 Download