The Learning for Life Proud to be part of The Learning for Life

Year 3C


Welcome to 3C!


Adults that work in our class:

Mrs Conroy (Class Teacher)

Mrs Eden (Teaching Assistant)

Miss Hulse (Teaching Assistant)

Mr G (PE Coach)


At Shavington, we use all use our learning muscles, and we do this in many different ways! 

We are resilient rhinos - never giving up and making sure that we we work as hard as we can, even when it gets tricky.

We are resourceful beavers - using resources in and around the classroom to help with our learning and support us in lessons.

We work together as ants - helping and supporting each other whenever we can.

We are reflective tortoises - we look back on achievements and learn from our mistakes.



Summer Term: 

Our topic this half term is Ancient Egypt!


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During the half term, we will be immersing ourselves into the Ancient Egyptian world! We will be learning about significant events in Ancient Egyptian times and thinking about what impact these events have had in today's society. We will also learn about the mummification process, hieroglyphs and the Rosetta Stone, the importance of the pyramids and Tutankhamun and the discovery of his tomb. 


In Guided Reading lessons, we will be focusing on the book Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo.



In English lessons, we will be looking at the beautifully illustrated book Journey by Aaron Becker.

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Important Information:

  • PE days this year are Monday and Thursday - please come prepared for PE with appropriate footwear and a T-shirt of your team colour.
  • If children are bringing a snack for break time, please make sure it is either a piece of fruit or a healthy snack bar.
  • Times tables will be a focus for us this year as by the end of year 4, we need to know them up to and including 12x12. While the end of Year 4 is a while away, we want to prepare the children as best we can. This isn't just for the national assessment at the end of the year 4, but also because maths from this point relies on having a secure times tables knowledge and it comes into a lot of lessons. When you are practising at home, its really important you know your times tables out of order, not just in order. - a great website to help!



Many thanks for your continued support

Mrs Conroy


Water Bottles

All children have been given a school water bottle. This needs to be brought to school each day having been washed and re filled with fresh water from home. Children will be reminded at the end of the day to bring home their lunch bag and water bottle to be washed ready for the next day. We have turned off our water filter system so children will not be able to fill up their water bottle in the usual way. All classes have access to drinking water throughout the day should the children require extra water.


Please ensure your child brings a coat to school each day. We had a rainy start to the term but we are trying as much as possible to allow the children their outdoor breaks which may mean us putting coats on to go out in the rain as much as possible without getting too wet. Please ensure all coats are clearly named.


Page Downloads Date  
Yr3 Long Term Plan 19th Jan 2024 Download